Our Studio Handbook

The Art of Play Studio is a unique space for the young and the young at heart to immerse themselves in creative art, messy play, sensory play and nature experiences.

At the Art of Play Studio we believe that childhood should be joyful and filled with wonder and discovery! Children need time and space to be their natural, curious and authentic selves. We believe that children are capable and competent thinkers, creators, decision-makers, risk takers, and problem-solvers full of ideas and theories to test and share. We understand and value the fact that play and hands-on experiences are the way that children learn, make sense of the world around them, process life experiences and discover their interests, passions and who they are as individuals. 

We also believe that as adults we can easily forget what childhood and exploring the world is like, as we move through the hustle and bustle of our lives. We, too, need time to slow down, play and reconnect with the joy of childhood and life in general. It is quite amazing to see the world through the eyes of a child while contributing to our own well-being!

The Art of Play Studio was brought to life based on these beliefs. We see a need for a space where our visitors (young and old) can freely explore, experiment, be creative, get messy, express themselves, wonder and discover in fun, hands-on, playful ways.

Messy play, creative art, sensory play and nature are at the heart of our programming. Through the offering of open-ended experiences and materials filled with possibilities, our focus is on the processes of playing and creating!

Our studio is a welcoming, safe and inclusive space for our community to come together to play and let their inner creativity flow in ways most comfortable to each and every one.


In order to keep our group sizes small and appropriately plan for staffing and programming, all of our programs and special events require registration. Please visit our website to complete our online registration and payment process. 

Payment and Refund Policy

Payment for a program is due at the time of registration. Your registration will not be approved without payment.  Payments are non-refundable. HST will be added on to all program and event prices.  We accept visa, mastercard and visa debit as forms of payment.

Missed Sessions

Should you or your child miss a day of their program or event, you still have to pay for the day. 

Your payment is made to reserve your child’s spot. Our programs operate with specific numbers of children in each group and once that number is reached the registration is closed to others. Staffing, program costs and program coordination are also planned around these numbers. At this time we cannot offer make up days. You may, however, transfer your space to a friend or family member of the same age group (with our approval). Please email us to do this so that we can ensure that proper registration and consents are completed.  For absences directly related to COVID-19 please email us to discuss the situation.

Studio Initiated Closures

Should our studio have to close for inclement weather, emergencies or COVID-19 reasons, you will be given a credit for any missed days. This credit can be applied to a future program or special event. In the case of these types of closures, you will receive an email from our staff explaining the circumstances and details of the credit process. 

Health and Safety Policies

Child/Adult Programs and Group Visits

During all child/adult programs and group visits, parents/caregivers/educators must remain in the studio at all times and are responsible for the health and safety of their child for the duration of the program. The Art of Play Studio will have staff facilitating these programs who will strive to provide a safe and healthy environment and who can support you when needed. 


If you or your child are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please do not come to the studio:

  • Fever of 38 degrees celsius or higher
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Pink eye/Conjunctivitis (you may attend after 24 hours of treatment)
  • Ringworm (you may attend after 24 hours of treatment)
  • Constant thick, green mucus from the nose (typical cold and seasonal allergy symptoms are okay)
  • Any contagious, communicable illness (ie. hand foot and mouth disease, chicken pox, whooping cough)

You and your child should be fever, vomit and diarrhea-free for 48 hours before returning from an illness. If you have chosen not to immunize your child for personal or health reasons, please make us aware so that we may take the necessary precautions according to the Toronto Public Health guidelines in case of outbreaks. Please provide us with the details of any allergies your child may have. 

For our drop off programs, we will contact you to come and pick up your child if we feel your child is feverish, not feeling well, or behaving in an uncharacteristic manner.


Currently, masking for all visitors will be by choice/necessity. The Art of Play Studio reserves the right to enforce masking when deemed necessary to help protect the health and well-being of our visitors. We ask all visitors to please do a self-assessment of COVID-19 symptoms before coming into the studio. If anyone is feeling unwell, experiencing any symptoms, has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive in the last 10 days or has been directed to stay home and self-isolate, please stay home. Please email us to discuss missed sessions directly related to COVID-19. 

Cleaning and Disinfecting the Studio

Our studio spaces and materials will be cleaned and disinfected between programs each day. Any items that are mouthed during our programs will be collected and put aside for cleaning as needed.

Toileting and Diapering

Our programs do not require your child to be toilet-trained. There is a change table and washroom on site. All parents/caregivers must bring/send their own diapering supplies. For our adult/child programs and group visits, parents/caregivers and educators will be responsible for the toileting and diapering of their children. For our drop off programs, our staff will be responsible for toileting and diapering. For these programs, please also send a full change of clothing and let us know where your child is at in this process so that we can successfully support them.  The washroom and diapering area will be disinfected regularly.

Food and Drink

At this time, limited outside food is allowed in the studio. When necessary, a small nut free snack can be eaten in our front bench area. Food is not permitted to be eaten throughout the studio. Water bottles and baby formula are permitted always welcomed. For birthday parties, pizza and nut free cake/cupcakes can be served at designated tables in the last portion of the party.

Allergies and Medical Conditions

As part of the registration process parents/guardians are asked to provide the Art of Play Studio with information pertaining to allergies and medical conditions that their children have and we need to be aware of.  Although limited outside food is permitted in the studio, some events may include food items. We use a variety of art and sensory materials in our programs that could contain potential allergens (ie. flour, food colouring, soap, non-toxic paints, etc). Being aware of allergies will help us ensure all children are able to participate safely in our programs and events. 

If a child requires an epi-pen for anaphylactic allergies, they must have it with them at all times during attendance in our programs and events. For all drop off programs and events, parents may be required to complete an additional anaphylaxis form. There will be an Art of Play Studio staff who is trained on the signs of anaphylaxis and how to administer an epi-pen in attendance while your child is in the studio. In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, 911 will be called as well as the parents/guardians.

The Art of Play Studio staff cannot administer medications to children. If your child has a medical condition which requires medication or extra care, please email us to discuss this before registering for a program or event. We will do our very best to meet the individual medical needs of children as long as we have the means and knowledge to do so. 


The health and safety of our visitors is a priority. Many of our staff have been trained in First Aid and CPR. If during our drop off programs your child requires first aid, you will be called immediately and a report will be filled in. We will also discuss the next steps with you.  In the case of an evacuation of the studio, staff will follow all necessary studio protocols and parents/caregivers will be called as soon as possible.

Child Abuse

The Art of Play Studio abides by the regulations set forth in the Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act. All of our staff, volunteers and students must uphold their legal responsibilities when it comes to Child Abuse and follow the protocols outlined in our studio’s Child Abuse Policies.  All suspicions of child abuse must be reported to the Children’s Aid Society immediately. This includes suspected abuse of a child by a parent, caregiver, studio staff/student/volunteer or other adult. All studio staff, students and volunteers will receive child abuse training and a Vulnerable Sector Screening will be performed on each one. 

Child Guidance

At the Art of Play Studio children are viewed as humans with rights and will be treated with love, dignity and respect. We strive to create an environment that is comfortable, nurturing and inviting, where all visitors feel like they belong. We believe that children of all ages should be involved in the solving of problems and creation of solutions. The use of redirection of attention or play or suggesting alternatives may be used when necessary, accompanied by talking through the situation. In our programs, children are encouraged to make choices and take risks. Children will not be discouraged or withheld from messy play. Feeling and expressing a variety of emotions is a part of being human and we will offer support with this as needed by each individual. We recognize that children are individuals with unique strengths and needs and we will consider these in our interactions and guidance approaches. 

We will not tolerate or allow the use of any type of physical discipline, isolation, harassment and harsh or degrading language/treatment of anybody in our studio.

Confidentiality Policy

At the Art of Play Studio, we realize that we may be privy to personal information. All information provided to us during the registration process will be kept confidential. Should any personal information be shared with us during our programs, all staff, students and volunteers will keep such information between us and not speak of it outside of the studio. We ask that parents and caregivers attending our adult/child programs do the same. 

We hope to capture the joyful experiences happening in the studio through photos and videos. All parents/caregivers will be asked to fill in consent forms detailing their preferences around taking and using photos and videos of themselves and their child. We will be sure to respect and follow these preferences during each of our programs. 

Parents and caregivers are permitted to take photos and videos of their own children while in the studio. To respect the wishes, comfort level and confidentiality of all visitors in the studio, we ask that you please be aware of other children and adults and request their permission to be included in your photos and videos. If others are not comfortable being in your photos and videos, then we ask that you only capture yourself and your own child.

Do not miss this experience!

Ask us any questions