Educator Events

Educator Events

Educator’s Creative Network ‘The Beauty of Open-Ended Materials & Experiences’

Tuesdays 7-8:30pm – April 18, May 16 & June 13, 2023

Come network with a small group of passionate early years educators as we dig deeper into open-ended play through hand-on experiences and discussion. Gain inspiration from creative materials, provocations and experiences for children of all ages. Examine the true meaning of ‘process over product’ and see the value in letting go and letting the children lead. We hope to ignite joy and see things through the eyes of children!

The network will meet once a month. Each month participants will share what they have tried, noticed and experienced in their classrooms. They will also get to hear the stories of experienced RECEs who have this type of learning and environment at the heart of their programs. Dress comfortably and for mess! Bring an open-mind and an eagerness to imagine the possibilities of open-ended play! A certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the 3 month session. 

Cost: $90 +HST

Early Bird Pricing Before April 1: $75 +HST

Educator Playdate

Friday April 14, 2023 7:30-9pm

Come and experience the joy of childhood as you play and experiment in the studio! Immerse yourselves in open-ended creative art, sensory experiences, loose parts explorations and messy play alongside fellow educators. We truly believe that adults need time to slow down and play too!

Our Educator Playdate is a wonderful opportunity to explore possibilities for your classrooms while enjoying an evening of play!

Cost $30 +HST

Educator Group Playdate

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw

Bring your group to the studio to experience the joy of childhood as you play and experiment together! Immerse yourselves in creative art, sensory experiences, loose parts explorations and messy play, as you enjoy time together away from the hustle and bustle of the classroom. We truly believe that adults need time to slow down and play too! Our environment, materials and offerings are sure to spark creativity and inspiration for your program while increasing your comfort level with this type of open-ended, process based play and learning that children need. Our experienced educators will facilitate your playdate and be available to discuss ideas, answer questions, help build upon your thinking and knowledge, and also learn from you! 

Our Educator Group Playdate is a wonderful opportunity for team-building, professional development or just an enjoyable time out with colleagues. It is a great choice for groups such as child care centres, kindergarten and elementary school teams, Early On or family programs and educator networks.

Playdates are a maxmum of 2 hours in length and your group will have the whole studio to themselves. Pricing starts at $25 per person +HST (minimum 10 people or $250 fee) with a maximum of 20 participants. Playdates can be booked on Friday evenings and weekends, subject to availability.

Please email us for availability and to book your group playdate!

Educator Mobile Workshops

Can’t make it into the studio? No problem! We can come to you! 

Topic choices for our interactive, in-person workshops include: 

The Joy of Process Art and Messy Play

Emergent Curriculum

Responsive Environments

The Beauty of Loose Parts and Open-Ended Materials

Re-Thinking Behaviour

Nature and Land-Based Learning

If your program is looking for a workshop on a different topic or a program consultation, please let us know!

With over 25 years experience in the ECE field, Carrie Harrison-Lameira and Maya-Rose Simon have a great deal of knowledge, insight and experience to share with other educators. 

Email us at to customize a workshop for your program or team. We currently service the GTA area, but may be able to travel to further locations for an additional fee. 

Do not miss this experience!

Ask us any questions