Carrie Harrison-Lameira

Carrie Harrison-Lameira, Early Childhood Educator

Carrie Harrison-Lameira, B.A. R.E.C.E  co-owner

Carrie is a Registered Early Childhood Educator who has been working with children from birth to teenagers for over 25 years. She has been an educator in child care centres, camps, afterschool programs, full day kindergarten classrooms and a college lab school.

Her experience also includes being a child care supervisor, working with children with special needs and opening a non-profit child care.

Carrie earned her Honours Bachelor of Arts with a major in Sociology and a minor in Psychology from York University and currently teaches Early Childhood Education at the college level part-time.

A mom to two amazing children and two adorable fur babies, Carrie is passionate about providing positive, meaningful experiences and environments for children and truly understands the value of and need for play.

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