Messy Mornings

Messy Mornings

Ages 2.5-8 years

Sundays 10-11:30am

Our Messy Mornings program will explore mixing, combining, transforming and creating with a variety of art and sensory-based materials using all of their senses. Children will discover: ‘What happens when…..?’ ‘What can these do together?’ ‘What can I create?’ Each week a combination of new and loved experiences and materials will await your child in our studio space. Investigation and experimentation will come to life!

This is a drop off program, however parents of younger children are welcome to stay if they are not comfortable leaving them yet. Please bring a labeled water bottle and dress for messy play. We suggest bringing a change of clothes for the way home. Please bring indoor shoes (or go barefoot or in socks) on wet weather days. Please provide diapering items if your child is not fully toilet-trained and you are dropping them off. Children may bring a small nut-free snack if needed.

Do not miss this experience!

Ask us any questions